Divinely Self Loving - 30 Day Journey

Does this sound like you?

Always coming second in your life to everyone and everything else?

Finding your self playing small, hiding away because inside you do not feel good enough to shine your light?

Find yourself ignoring your needs, desires, your body?

Then it's time to learn how to put yourself first and make yourself a priority and recognise the light you have to shine in the world.

Most of us have been conditioned to believe that we should put ourselves last but that is the path to low energy and low vibe. You are here to blossom and shine your light in the world, not be in the shadows and self-love is one of the keys to soul alignment! If we do not fully love ourselves then why would we create an amazing, fulfilled life for ourselves?

When we are out of alignment with unconditional love we become critical of ourselves and others, we judge ourselves and engage in negative mindsets and patterns, and then everything around us reflects that back to us. Also, remember the sayings "you can not serve from an empty well" or "pour from an empty cup" so let's start filling our wells and cups up so you can shine and serve!

During the next 30 Days, you are going to fall in love with yourself all over again so that you make yourself a priority, and I am not just talking about having bubble baths, or getting your hair done.  

I’m talking about taking a deep dive into getting to know yourself better, nurturing yourself on the inside, setting boundaries so that your needs and wants are given the attention they so deserve so that you can shine.

And of course, there are powerful mind, body and soul alignment shares too!

35 Modules

What is self love?

Let's discover what self-love actually is, shall we?

Day 21 - Say bye to the approval seeker

Day 22 - Sitting with yourself

Day 23 - Passion and Purpose

Day 26 - Set and Maintain Boundaries

Day 27 - Do One Thing You Know You Need To Do

Day 28 - Trust Your Intuition

Day 30 - That secriet something

Modules for this product 35
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